Latest Technology

Advances in the art and science of endodontics have facilitated better understanding of disease processes and have led to development of treatment modalities aimed at restoring health to the pulp and periradicular tissues. Technological discoveries in instruments and materials have made it possible to achieve treatment objectives that once were considered unattainable.

At St. Charles Endodontics, we pride ourselves on providing endodontic care at the forefront of innovation and technology. We employ advanced technologies to enhance the quality of care for our patients. Such advances include operating microscope, digital radiography, ultrasonic instrumentation and fiber-optic technologies.

Effectively cleaning the deepest, most complex portions of the root canal system requires incredible innovation—and we are proud to offer that technology with the GentleWave Procedure.

The GentleWave Procedure is a state-of-the-art alternative to standard root canal treatment. The ultracleaning technology of the GentleWave Procedure is an advanced combination of fluid dynamics and a broad range of soundwaves that work together to reach into the microscopic spaces and remove bacteria, debris and tissue. The GentleWave Procedure is so effective at cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system, there's less chance of failure over time.

The GentleWave Procedure uses a minimally invasive protocol to access the infected root canal system, which means it is preserving more of the natural tooth and, in doing so, is helping to keep the tooth’s structure strong. With the GentleWave Procedure we can also typically clean and fill the tooth in just one appointment, which may reduce the number of appointments required.

Achieving an exceptional level of clean requires advanced endodontics—and that’s something we take pride in providing. Contact us today to discover the GentleWave difference for yourself.

CT Scanner

At St. Charles Endodontics, we are believers that we can't fix what we can't see. By implementing a 3-D Cone Beam CT (CBCT) we are able to produce the highest resolution imaging to far better diagnose and treat patients.

Cone Beam CT opens up an incredible world of sight for far better patient diagnostic capabilities and endodontic services. We witness amazing anatomical detail and viewing capabilities with powerful, focused-field, high-res, 3D images, and unprecedented x-ray views of the oral cavity.

  • The Cone Beam CT scan gives off 80% less radiation than a traditional x-ray.
  • Unlike a regular x-ray, a CT scan can discriminate the difference between various tissues, bone, teeth, nerves and soft tissue. This is possible because x-rays use a linear beam, whereas a CT uses a cone shaped beam for a more comprehensive look.
  • The Cone Beam CT allows Dr. Habas to more easily identify infections and even tumors. Because these conditions are more easily diagnosable with a CT scanner, it can eliminate the need for more complex surgery that would be necessary without this technology.
  • Cone Beam CT scanners are a cost-effective way of identifying a wide range of dental issues. The efficiency of these CT scanners allows for cheaper treatment, saving you money.


Dental Microscopes provide magnification unavailable to the naked eye. The fiber-optic illumination allows endodontists to see much better than with a regular light. They are also helpful in aiding the endodontists to see the minute details inside your tooth. A camera is attached to the operating microscope allowing us to record images of your tooth to further document the endodontists' findings.

  • The improved accuracy offered by the increased magnification and illumination of a microscope allows the dentists more precision for both cleaning canals and effectively treating endodontic conditions.
  • More precision results in reduced trauma to the mouth during a procedure, as well as less discomfort during and after the procedure. Reduced trauma translates to easier healing and a reduced chance of needing additional treatment.
  • Increased magnification allows Dr. Habas to use smaller instruments. By using smaller instruments, he can make more precise incisions and sutures. This minimizes the surgical site, which in turn minimizes discomfort during and after the procedure.
  • As Dr. Habas uses the microscope to see better, he can more easily detect, diagnose, treat and prevent more serious conditions.
  • The heightened efficiency saves you money on potential extra or more serious treatments, treatments that Dr. Habas can avoid as a result of this technology.

Digital Radiography

Digital x-rays are the newest technology used in dentistry to take and archive dental x-rays. Digital x-rays significantly reduce the amount of radiation as compared to traditional dental x-rays. This technique captures a digital picture of teeth with their supporting bone structures and stores the images on a computer in our dental office. You and Dr. Habas will be able to instantly view your x-rays and enlarge the image to aid in the identification of dental problems and to gauge your dental health. Dr. Habas will use this information to create an individualized treatment plan.

Rotary Instrumentation

In our practice, instrumentation of root canal is facilitated by files made of a unique alloy of Nickel-Titanium. The extreme flexibility of the Nickel-Titanium files preserves the anatomy of the root canal by following the canal path resulting in efficiency, predictability, and improved clinical results of endodontic treatment of significantly curved canals.


Ultrasonics are among the other technological advancements that have opened up entirely new vistas for the successful treatment of both surgical and non-surgical cases. These sophisticated units are used to remove post and uncover the dystrophically calcified portions of the chamber to gain access to the canals. Ultrasonic intsruments are also used for retrocavity preparation of the root end during microsurgical intervention.

Apex Locators

Electronic Apex Locator is among other technologies that facilitate predictable non-surgical endodontic treatment. The incorporation of electronic Apex Locator allows accurate computer measurement of root canals during endodontic treatment, thereby accelerating the procedure while reducing the need for additional radiographs.

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